‘Trading in self-isolation’ traders’ week ahead playbook

In today’s Daily Fix, I have looked at the trading week ahead in markets, predominantly in FX, with a short video on what’s worked/what hasn’t in FX market, implied vols and technical set-ups that interest. As we can see, vols have come down, but they are still elevated over the past 12 months and this can still have huge implications for our risk and position sizing – although, that depends on whether you are scalping or trading daily charts.

Click here to watch the ‘Trading in self-isolation’ week ahead video – https://youtu.be/JTkT5EKxMIY

Here is the full volatility matrix:

Take a look at the video if you get a moment. Also, if you follow me on Twitter (@chrisweston_PS) I am now posting a daily video (by around 8am aest) on the US close and a look ahead to Asia trade, that may be of interest – and, you can see them also on our Telegram channel as well.

Have a great weekend all and don’t forget the clocks change this weekend in Oz.


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