Reserve Bank approves sale of AMP Life

The Reserve Bank has approved the proposed sale of AMP Life to Resolution Life, in a revised arrangement that is subject to a number of conditions imposed to protect policyholders.

The Reserve Bank has been reviewing the proposed transaction and consulting with the parties involved over the past 18 months to ensure the deal met our requirements, Deputy Governor and General Manager for Financial Stability Geoff Bascand says.

The transaction involves a change of control and ownership of AMP Life from AMP Ltd to Resolution Life. Resolution Life is a specialist life insurance business owner whereas AMP Ltd wishes to exit the life insurance ownership business.

AMP insurance policy holders’ relationship in New Zealand is with AMP Life and, while that company will have a new owner, existing policy entitlements are unaffected by this transaction.

“Because AMP Life is a branch of an Australian business and intended to be in ‘run-off’ and not write new business, special arrangements were needed for the security of New Zealand policyholders.”

“A bespoke trust model has been established that ensures supervisory objectives are better met, future industry dynamics are generally more positive, and there is additional protection in the event of insolvency – one of the key risk considerations that we have been seeking to mitigate,” Mr Bascand says.

The Trust is required to hold capital and assets in New Zealand that help provide long-term security for policyholder benefits or investments, where relevant. The Trust will be under the management and scrutiny of relevant officers in New Zealand, who have appropriate influence and authority in respect of the New Zealand operations, for the purpose of securing equity across all policyholders.

In addition, the model will see the establishment of a new, locally incorporated insurer Resolution Life New Zealand (RLNZ). The RLNZ board will have a majority of New Zealand resident, independent directors. RLNZ will act as Trustee to the Trust and will effectively manage the assets held in the Trust.

AMP Life has also established a New Zealand Policyholder Advisory Committee. The Committee is a sub-committee of the AMP Life Board, and will include RLNZ’s independent directors. Its purpose is to provide advice to the AMP Life Board on matters relating to the interests of New Zealand policyholders.

Approvals required to support the model have been granted by the Reserve Bank.

In making its decision the Reserve Bank sought and considered advice from an independent actuary, and liaised with the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) in reaching our conclusion.

Background note:
The Reserve Bank is reviewing the Insurance (Prudential Supervision) Act 2010 (IPSA). This review was put on hold in line with the regulatory relief offered by the Reserve Bank in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and some of the matters raised regarding the Reserve Bank’s role in considering the sale and wider oversight of the insurance sector will be factored into this review including; increased policyholder protection, making regulatory processes more efficient and removing unnecessary compliance costs on the industry. The Reserve Bank intends to resume the IPSA review from the first quarter of 2021, with an overarching consultation on the review’s scope. The review is likely to be a two to three year process.

More information:

Media contact:
Brendan Manning
Senior Adviser External Stakeholders
DDI: +64 9 366 2643 | MOB: 021 923 217
Email: [email protected]

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